Monday, July 11, 2011

Human gods of the Fifth Age

The Human Gods of the Fifth Age

There are two human tribes in Wealdland (as discussed in the short story Nostacarr, the Master Librarian - click here to Read Nostacarr, the Master Librarian .)

Wyfling    Skylds

Eann        Oann - the father of the gods, resides in the great ice field  to the north.    

Kellth      Orth - God of the sun, son of Eann

Sipis        Yonne - Brother of Eann, Lord of the dead

Reia         Rhee - mother of the gods, wife to Eann (Aha! this is where the nation of Reia gets its name!)

Gettun     Ettonne - god of the Great Northern Lake, son of  Eann

Tariea      Tarish - Goddess of the Weald, adopted daughter to Eann

Nunee     Nueia - Goddess of the moon and night sky, wife to Kellth

Hapaun   Apawn - Snake goddess/river goddess, mother of Tareia.  Her son is god of Spring. Rumored to be the mother of Eann.  Possibly a goddess from an older age, adapted to fit the current mythology.

You'll notice there are correlations between some of the gods and bodies of water and other land marks. The Northern Wastes near the Great Ice Wall of Eann is called the Wastes of Yonne, Lord of the Dead, probably because the tundra is very lifeless and infertile.

There are two major families existing in Wealdland, The Wyfling and the Skylds. The Wylflings and the Skylds believe in the same gods and legends, but there is a discrepancy in the names they recognize.

The Wylflings live in the Green Hills of Reia, The Mountains of Kipleth, the Meadowlands and the Weald, although each area has their own system of government and nobility.

The Skylds are mostly from the powerful Northern Kingdom of Man, which is now destroyed and the families scattered, and the Glafs who herded aurochs across the Wasteland north of the Eastern Meadowlands and are now mostly an extinct people. The Glafs made large swatches of cloth with which they herded the aurochs. 



Sunday, July 10, 2011


Kellabald is a male, human, 37 years of age at the start of The Last Elf of Lanis.

Kellabald established the small village Bittel, hidden among a stand of trees, east of Alfhich, on the edge of the Eastern Meadowlands. A history of Kellabald is also a history of the village of Bittel.

Kellabald fled his home in Gillialliath at the age of 17 when he discovered his father, brother to the King of Reia, and leader of one of the Great Halls of Gillalliath, was sacrificing small children to the unnatural creatures of Lake Hapaun. The lake monsters turn out to be the vyreeoten of reian legend. And we find out much more about the vile beasts in the sequel novel, The Archer From Kipleth.

Kellabald was all on his own in Bittel, and he was acquitted of any wrong doing, while his father was hanged when his dark religion was exposed, and his family's Great Hall in Gillialliath was burnt to the ground.

Three years after establishing the village of Bittel, when he was 20, Kellbald was joined at Bittel by Alrhett, Queen of the Weald, who, in disguise, had fled Rogar Li after the assassination of her husband, Bosruss, King of the Weald. Alrhett brought with her, her 16 year old daughter, Wynnfrith. Kellabald did not recognize or care about the status of his new neighbors, except for the pretty young girl.

A year later, after being joined by Yulenth, who supposed he was the last of the Glaf race, Kellabald, at 21, married Wynnfrith at 17, in a double ceremony as Yulenth wed Alrhett.

Eight years later, a son, Arnwylf, was born to Kellabald, 29, and Wynnfrith, 25.

During this time, Kellabald travelled to the fishing village of Alfhich many times for work and provisions. He easily made friends with his gentle nature, and his height and strength made him a sought after hand on any fishing boat.

Kellabald spent quite a bit of time in Alfhich, until Yulenth counseled him that he was missing important  time with his son, the tender years of growth and learning. That very day Kellabald decided to spend less time in Alfhich and his son, Arnwylf caught his very own first fish from the small stream that wound through the stand of trees that enclosed the village of Bittel. Kellabald thanked the gods that he had not missed that happy day, and vowed to spend more time at home.

As garond armies marched across Wealdland, destroying first the land of Kipleth, then finishing off the Glafs, and lately destroying the capital and dispersing the people of the Northern Kingdom of Man, a new family joined Kellabald at Bittel. The new family were red haired people of Man. The father and husband was  called Haergill, and Kellabald immediately hit it off with this young father who was also his age, never suspecting that Haergill was the King of Man who had lost his capitol and kingdom.

Haergill and his wife, Halldora, brought with them a young daughter, Frea, age 7.

Arnwylf was 8 years old when the family from Man arrived, and was delighted to have a new play mate near his own age. At this time, Wynnfrith gave birth to another son. 

These days were spent in happiness and ease, as the remote location of Bittel, off the beaten paths, and hidden among the trees, kept the villagers from any harassment or violence from the garond invasion of Wealdland.

Four years later, when Kellabald and Haergill were both 37 years old, Sawnlyf, Kellabald's young son unexpectedly died of the pox. The four year old's death, in the winter, was awful and heart breaking. Later, in the summer, Varknifl, an Atheling of Man, and vassal of Apghilis, a High Atheling of Man, discovered his exiled king, Haergill, and caused a disruption that is chronicled in Legends of Haergill.

A year later, the events of The Last Elf of Lanis begins with the garond discovery and sacking of Bittel.

Kellabald is a man who is instinctively filled with morality and goodness. His nature is not to violence or dominance. And, he would rather flee and begin his own town than live among an evil culture, such as his father's.

His kind nature, honesty, and love of his wife and children make him a man whom others sought as a companion. With Kellabald you knew you were safe and honored.

If I had to cast an actor to play Kellabald, I would choose a young Liam Neeson. Today, at 59, Mr. Neeson is just to old to pull off a man of 37. But Neeson's kind and gentle nature, combined with strength and good humor make him a good match for Kellabald.




Saturday, July 9, 2011

author page on Facebook

This is the link to my author page on Facebook.

click here to go to author page on Facebook

I'm going to try to make content on my blog here different than content on the Facebook page.

So, it'll be worth it to check out both.

