Orethe Birdsong Tangenolde (m) Ordette Sweetcorn Lanaryl (f)
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| Klodette Restlesshammer Tangenolde (f)
Ordelle Clevermason Tangenolde (f) Tinvethe Bravesoul Thurivere (m)
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Weylund Blessedhands Thurivere (m) | |
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Silfliette Longnose Thurivere (f) |
Weyethe Goldensong Owendale (m) Galarenne Sparklefingers Thurivere (f)
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Veranelle Beautifulcourage Owendale (f) Galehthaire Fearlessduty Wendralorn (m)
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Albehthaire Shiningsword Wendralorn (m) Iounelle Treelaughter Wendralorn (f)
Ok. So, Weyethe Goldensong Owendale, Iounelle's maternal grandfather, was a noted lyricist, and we hope to some day have some of his most famous ballads, such as The Leaves of the Sun; The Far Mountains; The Song of Summer Days; and Your Smile Always.
Weyethe was also brother to Falrenne Fairflower Owendale, the wife of Morinnthe Stoneface Wendralorn.
And, Ordelle Clevermason Tangenolde was sister to Klodette Restlesshammer Tangenolde, a pair of sisters who probably had their own contracting firm.
Weylunne Blessedhands Thurivere forged the Arrows of Yenolah, as described in The Ballad of Sehen. He was briefly Prince of the City for about two hundred years. He succeeded Morinnthe, but left on an excursion around the world, and had not returned when the garonds attacked Lanis Rhyl Landemiriam. And so, at that time, there was no named Prince.
The office of Prince of the City is an appointed title, and not hereditary. The appointment comes from the previous Prince, or if after his death, a council in the Yel Rakine, although such a council was very rare. The short story Bawn Hae we see Morinnthe naming Weylunne as his successor.
Silfliette Longnose Thurivere is the main character of the short story Jaefa Smiota (Spider Battle), and appears in Ragherei'au (The Wanderers) along with Weylunne, Iounelle, Albehthaire, and Morinnthe, who all also appear in the short story Bawn Hae (Borne High)
Veranelle and Galehthaire appear in Ragherei'au and the heroic poem/song Veranelle dae Galehthaire.