This is a non comprehensive list of phonetic pronunciations of some of the people and places in The Last Elf of Lanis.
* Arnwylf/Arnwelf - Ahrn WILF
Haergill - HIGHER gil
Frea - FRAY uh
Haerreth - HIGHER reth
Bittel - Bit TEL
Rogar Li - RO gar LEE
Rion Ta - REE on TAH
Deifol Hroth - DIE full ROTH
Lanis Rhyl Landemiriam - LAN is RILL land uh MIR ee um
Iounelle - EYE uhn ell
Mattear Gram - MAT ee ur GRAM
Jofod Kagir - JOE fod kah GEAR
Yulenth - YOO lenth
Alrhett - ALL rett
Halldora - HALL dor uh
Kellabald - KELL uh bald
Wynnfrith - WIN frith
Alfhich - all FICH
Tyny - tin NEE
Rhyd Bwr - RED bower
Madrun - mad RUN
Plymonley - plim mon LEE
Kennethley - Ken eth LEE
Harvestley - har vest LEE
Burnie - burn NEE
Kipleth - KIP leth
Reia - RAY uh
Ethgeow - ETH gee ow
Glafemen - GLAF uh men
Solienth - SOL lee enth
Ronenth - RO nenth
Apghilis - ap GILL is
Ratskenner - RATS ken ner
Byland - BY land
Weald - WEE uhld
Gawry - GOW ree
garond - GAIR ond
Ravensdred - RAVE uns DREAD
Caerlund - KAY ur LUND
Jaefa Smiota - JI fa SMEE oh ta
Sehen - SAY hen
and a real tongue twister
Summeninquis - sum in INK kwis
* The two spellings for Arnwylf: I originally spelled his name 'Arnwylf' but then a did a deeper search and discovered the use of the 'y' made his name feminine. His name literally meant 'she-wolf of the mountain'. Well, I didn't like the spelling for the masculine which is 'wulf' Arnwulf just sounded strange to me. So in the first release of The Last Elf of Lanis, I spelled his name 'Arnwelf'. Which was okay, except that he was always 'Arnwylf' in my mind. As I began the sequel, The Archer from Kipleth, the original spelling just came back to me. It's just the way his name should be spelt.
* Arnwylf/Arnwelf - Ahrn WILF
Haergill - HIGHER gil
Frea - FRAY uh
Haerreth - HIGHER reth
Bittel - Bit TEL
Rogar Li - RO gar LEE
Rion Ta - REE on TAH
Deifol Hroth - DIE full ROTH
Lanis Rhyl Landemiriam - LAN is RILL land uh MIR ee um
Iounelle - EYE uhn ell
Mattear Gram - MAT ee ur GRAM
Jofod Kagir - JOE fod kah GEAR
Yulenth - YOO lenth
Alrhett - ALL rett
Halldora - HALL dor uh
Kellabald - KELL uh bald
Wynnfrith - WIN frith
Alfhich - all FICH
Tyny - tin NEE
Rhyd Bwr - RED bower
Madrun - mad RUN
Plymonley - plim mon LEE
Kennethley - Ken eth LEE
Harvestley - har vest LEE
Burnie - burn NEE
Kipleth - KIP leth
Reia - RAY uh
Ethgeow - ETH gee ow
Glafemen - GLAF uh men
Solienth - SOL lee enth
Ronenth - RO nenth
Apghilis - ap GILL is
Ratskenner - RATS ken ner
Byland - BY land
Weald - WEE uhld
Gawry - GOW ree
garond - GAIR ond
Ravensdred - RAVE uns DREAD
Caerlund - KAY ur LUND
Jaefa Smiota - JI fa SMEE oh ta
Sehen - SAY hen
and a real tongue twister
Summeninquis - sum in INK kwis
* The two spellings for Arnwylf: I originally spelled his name 'Arnwylf' but then a did a deeper search and discovered the use of the 'y' made his name feminine. His name literally meant 'she-wolf of the mountain'. Well, I didn't like the spelling for the masculine which is 'wulf' Arnwulf just sounded strange to me. So in the first release of The Last Elf of Lanis, I spelled his name 'Arnwelf'. Which was okay, except that he was always 'Arnwylf' in my mind. As I began the sequel, The Archer from Kipleth, the original spelling just came back to me. It's just the way his name should be spelt.
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