Saturday, September 24, 2011

learn Miranei script - practice lesson 1b

Okay, this is what you should have written.

Reading from right to left:




The last symbol was a bit tricky. I didn't plan that. I hope you didn't write out 'h' 'n'. 

Remember, if a sound is one component, it usually has its own specific symbol. In this case the sound was 'hn'. That can get tricky with compound words. But if you are up on your vocabulary, it won't trip you up.

This verse was the first line from the Elvish Nursery Rhyme that opens The Archer From Kipleth.



learn Miranei script - practice lesson 1a

Okay. This will be fun, I promise. I'm going to give you a 'romanized' line of verse in Miranei.

You try to write it our, knowing what you know now about Miranei script.

A little later today, I put up my version. And, we can compare to see how you did.


weldrau ghatr lafrnohn

The trees that once lived

good luck. see you later today.



Thursday, September 22, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 8

Here's the last of the Miranei script.

The 'z' sound is very rare in Miranei.

The first word, tjejath, is number 0, the first of the 8 Paths of Wisdom.

thrótragn (n.) thunder    is interesting. Because it's a compound word, literally thrót and ragn: night and horse. The 'tr' symbol is not used. The word is pronounced THRÓT ragn. So it's not a 'tr' sound in the middle. Night horses, yeah, thunder could sound like a herd of giant horses running through the sky.

lyl (n.) life force, one, person    is a word unique to Miranei. 
It's more sacred and respectful than, "Who is that person?" 
It's "Who is that life force?" Much more respectful.

Ok. That's it. 8 lessons. And how about that? There's that number 8 again. 

You should be able to write and read Miranei with a little practice.

I'll be publishing a free Miranei to English/ English to Miranei dictionary soon.

Oh, oh, and I'm going to start serializing Book Nine: Mars, just because science is catching up to some wacky theories I've had for years. It will look like I'm just using the latest science news, but I've had the idea that neutrinos move faster than light for at least two years when I first started writing Book Nine:Mars on a break between Book One: The Last Elf of Lanis and Book Two: The Archer From Kipleth.

Yeah, that's right, Iounelle, the last elf on planet earth lives over 164,000 years and is the star of the science fiction part of the series. Book Nine: Mars is set 300 years into our future as the red planet is being colonized by humanity. 

Although the book is based on science fiction, Iounelle continues to pursue the evil spirit Jofod Kagir and the humans it possesses.

So look for that, real soon. I may start a separate blog for Mars... or not.

Meanwhile, I'm working hard on Book Three: The Lord of Lightning. I've finished more than a quarter of the book. 

Book Four: Legends of Haergill and Conniker's Tail will be very easy to compile as it will include every short story written for the Wealdland Saga, plus two interesting and important novellas that will introduce the historical fiction part of the overall story arc, 

Mathematics and Magic 

which will be Book Five: Ancient Science; Book Six: Future Sorcery; Book Seven: Present Horizons; and Book Eight: A Cold Night in Oslo and Other Unverified Gossip (where Iounelle takes out Hitler!). 

And the last section The Planetsthe science fiction part, will be Book Nine: Mars (which is almost already completed); Book Ten: Venus; Book Eleven: Mercury; and the whole magilla concludes in Book Twelve: The Sun and All Its Glory.

And you better believe Miranei is going to show up in all twelve books.



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 7

Tonight we have one of the most used consonant sounds in Miranei...

it's the 'r' sounds.


Although the 's' sound has many combinations, and a symbol for each variant, it's the 'r' sound that is the most prevalent in the elvish language of the Fifth Age.

rald (n.) valley    is a good word to look at and see the difference between the 'd' and 'r' symbols.

That last word:

sjogee (n.) ally / friend    is an important root word in Miranei.

From that root, we get:

sjodán (n.) prince    an important title.

sjogee'ath (n.) compassion    number 1 of the Eight Paths of Wisdom

sjobré (v.) walk

sjohr (v.) step

sjogeedr (adj.) friendly

-sjogee'ahl (adv.) friendly

sjogee (intrj.) hello

sogee (intrj. var.) hello

sjogee'anon (Trad intrj.) hello - formal interjection - literally: "with you as a friend"

So when you say 'hello' to an elf in Miranei, you are literally greeting that person as 'friend'.



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 6

So we've run out of vowels, so it's all consonants from here on out. Tonight we have 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' and 'p' with their variants.

The first word kapírei uses the 'agent form'. The vowel sound 'long i' at the end of a noun or verb turns that word into an agent noun. 

kapírath - (n.) courage
kapírei (n.) hero

The 'kk' sound is not used in English. The sound usually comes at the end of a word, and the sound is like a 'k' sound, but as if you suddenly stopped pronouncing the word, as though you were cut short, almost as if you swallowed at the end of the word.

krenn (n.) sword   This word is unusual in that it has a double 'n' sound at the end. You simply hold onto the 'n' sound for a half a beat, as though you had a Scottish accent.   :^p

moskrarót (v.prp.) rise up   This is what the elf says to the Archer at the Battle of Plymonley in Book One: The Last Elf of Lanis. In Miranei it means more than to stand up, it also means to be more than you are, rise to the occasion, strive to do more than you thought you could.  

I think the last one, a little more artfully written, would look outstanding on a tee-shirt.



Monday, September 19, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 5

Well I think I solved my calligraphy problem. The English I'll write with a square tipped pen, and the Miranei with a round tipped pen.

So here are the consonants 'h' and 'j', and the vowel 'u' sounds.

The 'j' represented here is always the soft sound used in jam, just, and Jill.

The 'question' words are interesting:

hvorl - any

hvók - who

hvekk - what

hvapak - where

hvid - when

hvus - how

hvadl - why



Thursday, September 15, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 4

So I went back to the round nibbed pen. The Miranei just looks better, although it makes my English handwriting look rather childish.

Tonight we have the 'g' consonant sound, and the 'o' vowel sounds.

This 'g' is only the hard 'g', like 'get' 'good' or 'Gary'.

glo'en is this case is the verb 'calm'.

If you want to say something emphatically, you add an extra 'a' sound. The imperative sound should be a separate sound and not added to the commanding word.

In the Archer From Kipleth Baalenruud tells Iounelle "Gloena'a!" 
literally - calm(present tense'imperative), or in our culture it's the same as  "Calm down!" 



Wednesday, September 14, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 3

Tried a new calligraphy pen tonight, lots of dark ink, but I'm not very happy with the shape of the nib. So, the search for a good calligraphy pen continues.

Today we have the consonant 'f' sound with variants, and the vowel 'i' sound with variants.

I tried to find a short 'fl' sounded word that would fit in the box, but no success. So we have two nouns and two adjectives. 

This 'back' is the noun and not the preposition, like "His back was covered with hair."



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 2

I switched calligraphy pens. The other one was running out of ink and looked awful. This pen is rounder, but I think that it looks fine.

Ok. So we have the 'd' and 'dr' consonant sounds, and the 'e' vowel sound with its variants.

The first word is savadádr, or 'do then' the root verb is 'sav' which means 'do'.
The tenses of verbs are:
'n' - past
'a' - present
'ee' - future

so sava is do(present) and 'dádr' is an adverb (which are always suffixes) meaning 'then'.

the next word is a pronoun form of 'be'. These do not have verb tense modifiers as they are already modified.

orlee - we are
orfee - we will
orleen - we were

the last word 'begie'or' means 'both', another pronoun.

Now this gives me a chance to mention a punctuation rule. Whenever a vowel sound is followed by another vowel sound, they are separated by the check-like mark. But there is no hesitation in pronunciation. so the word would sound like 'begEEor'

remember the Miranei runs right to left, opposite to english.



Monday, September 12, 2011

Learn Miranei script - lesson 1

Here's your first lesson in Miranei script! 

Miranei has three times as many symbols as Romanized script, because every symbol represents only a specific sound.

First we begin with the 'b' consonant sound, and the 'a' vowel variants.

Miranei reads the opposite of english. It reads from right to left.

I've written out the word 'bairnbrom' which means literally 'childsong', but we would use the term 'nursery rhyme'. 



Friday, August 5, 2011

Iounelle's lineage - maternal side

Orethe Birdsong Tangenolde (m)           Ordette Sweetcorn Lanaryl (f)
                 |                                                                |
                 |                                                                |
                      |                                        |
                      |                                        |
                      |                        Klodette Restlesshammer Tangenolde (f)
Ordelle Clevermason Tangenolde (f)     Tinvethe Bravesoul Thurivere (m)
                      |                                                   |
                      |                                                   |
                      |                                                     |                     |
                      |                                                     |                     |
Weylund Blessedhands Thurivere (m)    |                       |
                    Prince                                            |                     |
                                                                            |                     |
                              Silfliette Longnose Thurivere (f)        |
Weyethe Goldensong Owendale (m)      Galarenne Sparklefingers Thurivere (f)
                      |                                                                 |
                      |                                                                 |
Veranelle Beautifulcourage Owendale (f)    Galehthaire Fearlessduty Wendralorn (m)
                                |                                                                    |
                                |                                                                    |
                                |                                              |
                                |                                              |
Albehthaire Shiningsword Wendralorn (m)      Iounelle Treelaughter Wendralorn (f)

 Ok. So, Weyethe Goldensong Owendale, Iounelle's maternal grandfather, was a noted lyricist, and we hope to some day have some of his most famous ballads, such as The Leaves of the Sun; The Far Mountains; The Song of Summer Days; and Your Smile Always.

Weyethe was also brother to Falrenne Fairflower Owendale, the wife of Morinnthe Stoneface Wendralorn.

And, Ordelle Clevermason Tangenolde was sister to Klodette Restlesshammer Tangenolde, a pair of sisters who probably had their own contracting firm.

Weylunne Blessedhands Thurivere forged the Arrows of Yenolah, as described in The Ballad of Sehen. He was briefly Prince of the City for about two hundred years. He succeeded Morinnthe, but left on an excursion around the world, and had not returned when the garonds attacked Lanis Rhyl Landemiriam. And so, at that time, there was no named Prince.

The office of Prince of the City is an appointed title, and not hereditary. The appointment  comes from the previous Prince, or if after his death, a council in the Yel Rakine, although such a council was very rare. The short story Bawn Hae we see Morinnthe naming Weylunne as his successor.

Silfliette Longnose Thurivere is the main character of the short story Jaefa Smiota (Spider Battle), and appears in Ragherei'au (The Wanderers) along with Weylunne, Iounelle, Albehthaire, and Morinnthe, who all also appear in the short story Bawn Hae (Borne High)

Veranelle and Galehthaire appear in Ragherei'au and the heroic poem/song Veranelle dae Galehthaire.



Thursday, August 4, 2011

Iounelle's lineage paternal side

Alinathe Stronghands Wendralorn (m)              Valenelle Beautiful-light Rogalene (f)
                       |                                                                  |
                       |                                                                  |
  Morinnthe Stoneface Wendralorn (m)                       Falrenne Fairflower Owendale (f)
                         Prince                                                                 |
                           |                                                                         |
       Donethaire Fareyes Wendralorn (m)         Klodette Restlesshammer Tangenolde (f)
                           |                                                                        |
                           |                                                                        |
 Galehthaire Fearlessduty Wendralorn (m)     Veranelle Beautifulcourage Owendale (f)
                                |                                                                   |
                                |                                                                   |
                                         |                                                   |
                                         |                                                   |
Albehthaire Shiningsword Wendralorn (m)        Iounelle Treelaughter Wendralorn (f)

Well this is the kind of thing that happens with a small community. Iounelle's Great grandmother on her father's side, is also her Great Aunt on her mother's side: Falrenne Fairflower Owendale.

Does that mean she's her own cousin?

As you can see, like humans, the child takes the last name, or family name, from the father, but females do not change their last name when they marry.

As elves of the Fifth Age do not marry until approximately 400 years of age, this chart represents about 1500 years.



Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wealdland human lineage and character index

My wife said there were so many characters in my novels that it was hard to keep them straight in her head, and she suggested I draw out some family trees. I thought, what an excellent suggestion. 

This is how things stand in Wealdland at the beginning of The Last Elf of Lanis. Some of these characters die along the way, but to avoid spoilers, I won't indicate which they are.


Bosruss (m)                                        Alrhett (f) -
King of the Weald                       Queen of the Weald
(deceased)                             (later remarried to Yulenth)
        |                                                          |
        |                                                          |
                          Wynnfrith (f)                                      Kellabald (m) - (of Reia)
                                 |                                           third in line to throne of Reia
                                 |                                                          |
                                                       Arnwylf (m)
                                     direct heir to the throne of the Weald
                                      fourth in line to the throne of Reia

Lords of the Weald:

Argotine (m) (deceased)
Stavolebe (m)
Desprege (m)
Faronrall (m)
Habbanage (m)
Ergester (m) Lord of the Eaststand (deceased)

Ladies of the Weald:

                      Meybonne (f)
    |                                 |
    |                                 |
Prensy (f)                  Kindoll (f)

Lead Captain of the Weald Army - Stralain (m)

High Judge of the Weald - Summeninquis (m)

Captain in the Weald Army and brother to Summeninquis - Maginalius (m)


                                        Healfdene (m)
                                          King of Reia
                         |                                                                                    |
                         |                                                                                    |
                  Haerreth (m)                                                                  Hetwing (f)
              heir  to the throne of Reia

Haerreth and Hetwing are cousins to Kellabald, and therefore second cousins to Arnwylf.


                   Haergill (m)                                                        Halldora (f)
                    King                                                                   Queen
                        |                                                                            |
                        |                                                                            |
                                                                Frea (f)
                                                  heir to the throne of Man

Athelings of Man:

Apghilis (m) High Atheling
Varknifl (m) (deceased)

vassal to Apghilis:

Feeblerod (m)


Yulenth (m)     Solienth (m)     Ronenth (m)  -  the last surviving Glafs.


The Archer (m)


                        Rebburn (f)
       (in hiding, and throne relinquished)
                    Caerlund (m)
       Chieftain of the Madrun Hills

I'll do the elvish lineage in a couple of days. It's a little more complete and complicated.



Monday, July 11, 2011

Human gods of the Fifth Age

The Human Gods of the Fifth Age

There are two human tribes in Wealdland (as discussed in the short story Nostacarr, the Master Librarian - click here to Read Nostacarr, the Master Librarian .)

Wyfling    Skylds

Eann        Oann - the father of the gods, resides in the great ice field  to the north.    

Kellth      Orth - God of the sun, son of Eann

Sipis        Yonne - Brother of Eann, Lord of the dead

Reia         Rhee - mother of the gods, wife to Eann (Aha! this is where the nation of Reia gets its name!)

Gettun     Ettonne - god of the Great Northern Lake, son of  Eann

Tariea      Tarish - Goddess of the Weald, adopted daughter to Eann

Nunee     Nueia - Goddess of the moon and night sky, wife to Kellth

Hapaun   Apawn - Snake goddess/river goddess, mother of Tareia.  Her son is god of Spring. Rumored to be the mother of Eann.  Possibly a goddess from an older age, adapted to fit the current mythology.

You'll notice there are correlations between some of the gods and bodies of water and other land marks. The Northern Wastes near the Great Ice Wall of Eann is called the Wastes of Yonne, Lord of the Dead, probably because the tundra is very lifeless and infertile.

There are two major families existing in Wealdland, The Wyfling and the Skylds. The Wylflings and the Skylds believe in the same gods and legends, but there is a discrepancy in the names they recognize.

The Wylflings live in the Green Hills of Reia, The Mountains of Kipleth, the Meadowlands and the Weald, although each area has their own system of government and nobility.

The Skylds are mostly from the powerful Northern Kingdom of Man, which is now destroyed and the families scattered, and the Glafs who herded aurochs across the Wasteland north of the Eastern Meadowlands and are now mostly an extinct people. The Glafs made large swatches of cloth with which they herded the aurochs. 



Sunday, July 10, 2011


Kellabald is a male, human, 37 years of age at the start of The Last Elf of Lanis.

Kellabald established the small village Bittel, hidden among a stand of trees, east of Alfhich, on the edge of the Eastern Meadowlands. A history of Kellabald is also a history of the village of Bittel.

Kellabald fled his home in Gillialliath at the age of 17 when he discovered his father, brother to the King of Reia, and leader of one of the Great Halls of Gillalliath, was sacrificing small children to the unnatural creatures of Lake Hapaun. The lake monsters turn out to be the vyreeoten of reian legend. And we find out much more about the vile beasts in the sequel novel, The Archer From Kipleth.

Kellabald was all on his own in Bittel, and he was acquitted of any wrong doing, while his father was hanged when his dark religion was exposed, and his family's Great Hall in Gillialliath was burnt to the ground.

Three years after establishing the village of Bittel, when he was 20, Kellbald was joined at Bittel by Alrhett, Queen of the Weald, who, in disguise, had fled Rogar Li after the assassination of her husband, Bosruss, King of the Weald. Alrhett brought with her, her 16 year old daughter, Wynnfrith. Kellabald did not recognize or care about the status of his new neighbors, except for the pretty young girl.

A year later, after being joined by Yulenth, who supposed he was the last of the Glaf race, Kellabald, at 21, married Wynnfrith at 17, in a double ceremony as Yulenth wed Alrhett.

Eight years later, a son, Arnwylf, was born to Kellabald, 29, and Wynnfrith, 25.

During this time, Kellabald travelled to the fishing village of Alfhich many times for work and provisions. He easily made friends with his gentle nature, and his height and strength made him a sought after hand on any fishing boat.

Kellabald spent quite a bit of time in Alfhich, until Yulenth counseled him that he was missing important  time with his son, the tender years of growth and learning. That very day Kellabald decided to spend less time in Alfhich and his son, Arnwylf caught his very own first fish from the small stream that wound through the stand of trees that enclosed the village of Bittel. Kellabald thanked the gods that he had not missed that happy day, and vowed to spend more time at home.

As garond armies marched across Wealdland, destroying first the land of Kipleth, then finishing off the Glafs, and lately destroying the capital and dispersing the people of the Northern Kingdom of Man, a new family joined Kellabald at Bittel. The new family were red haired people of Man. The father and husband was  called Haergill, and Kellabald immediately hit it off with this young father who was also his age, never suspecting that Haergill was the King of Man who had lost his capitol and kingdom.

Haergill and his wife, Halldora, brought with them a young daughter, Frea, age 7.

Arnwylf was 8 years old when the family from Man arrived, and was delighted to have a new play mate near his own age. At this time, Wynnfrith gave birth to another son. 

These days were spent in happiness and ease, as the remote location of Bittel, off the beaten paths, and hidden among the trees, kept the villagers from any harassment or violence from the garond invasion of Wealdland.

Four years later, when Kellabald and Haergill were both 37 years old, Sawnlyf, Kellabald's young son unexpectedly died of the pox. The four year old's death, in the winter, was awful and heart breaking. Later, in the summer, Varknifl, an Atheling of Man, and vassal of Apghilis, a High Atheling of Man, discovered his exiled king, Haergill, and caused a disruption that is chronicled in Legends of Haergill.

A year later, the events of The Last Elf of Lanis begins with the garond discovery and sacking of Bittel.

Kellabald is a man who is instinctively filled with morality and goodness. His nature is not to violence or dominance. And, he would rather flee and begin his own town than live among an evil culture, such as his father's.

His kind nature, honesty, and love of his wife and children make him a man whom others sought as a companion. With Kellabald you knew you were safe and honored.

If I had to cast an actor to play Kellabald, I would choose a young Liam Neeson. Today, at 59, Mr. Neeson is just to old to pull off a man of 37. But Neeson's kind and gentle nature, combined with strength and good humor make him a good match for Kellabald.




Saturday, July 9, 2011

author page on Facebook

This is the link to my author page on Facebook.

click here to go to author page on Facebook

I'm going to try to make content on my blog here different than content on the Facebook page.

So, it'll be worth it to check out both.



Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grisn the Kaprik-Uusshu

This is a drawing of Grisn the Kaprik-Usshu, a character we meet in The Archer From Kipleth. He's pretty huge and very grouchy. That's all I'll say... spoilers. :)



Monday, June 13, 2011

Baalenruud at the River Miriam

I was getting kind of burnt out with Veranelle dae Galehthaire. But, I promise it will be back and finished. We're just getting to the good part.

In the mean time, I set brush to canvas and came out with a pretty good painting of wounded Baalenruud at the River Miriam. This tableau would have occurred just after the short story Ragherei'au, and just before the poem/song Veranelle dae Galehthaire begins.

My son, Roy, suggested she have a python-esque tail and that suggestion was fantastic as Baalenruud's tail is my favorite part of the painting.

This took about a week to complete. I started with tempura paints, but didn't like how the medium was clotting, so switched to oils. 
I'm getting better by the painting. Just compare to the cover of Ragherei'au click here for cover art. I expect the next one to be superb.



Thursday, May 19, 2011

Map of Wealdland

After you click on the link below, just drag the image to your desktop, and hey presto, you will have an awesome map of Wealdland.

click here for a downloadable file of Wealdland



Sunday, May 8, 2011

Who I am


My name is Kurt Jean Hargan. I was born in Palmer, Alaska in 1961. My generation is very strange. 

We were children during the Cold War. We all expected the world to end in a nuclear holocaust. It was almost a given. Glad it didn't, but I wouldn't have wasted my 20's if I actually thought we were going to go on past 1984.

My family moved to San Jose, California in 1965, so most of my childhood was spent there. You had to find a pay phone and have a dime if you wanted to call someone. You had no idea what your friends were up to or where they had been until you actually talked to them.

We left front and back doors open 24 hours, until a hippie broke in, in 1969. 

I was a teenager as music on the radio went from country rock to disco and then turned to punk. My father worked for IBM so I saw computers the size of houses, less powerful than the laptop on which I'm writing this bio. I saw the world go from 3 billion human beings to 6 billion. It is estimated we will soon hit 7 billion. 

I saw gasoline go from .50 a gallon to $4.50. I used to buy five comic books for a dollar, sometimes four and a candy bar.

I'm not pining for the good old days, because I never really had good old days. My generation, the real Generation X, has seen change, real change, constant change. Change doesn't frighten me. It feels like my childhood, like my life. Change is good.

I believe the world can and will get better, but it will always go through rough patches because of greedy, short sighted humans. 

I believe in god. Not your god, not anybody's god. I don't believe a force as awesome as the one that set our universe in motion wants me to go to a little brick building and give my hard earned cash to some parasite who does no work for a living. I like Sting's philosophy when he said, I'm paraphrasing, the universe is much too interesting of a place not to think there isn't something out there. There's something very appealing, and it feels right to me, to acknowledge the presence and mystery of a Creator.

I think every person I have ever met is fascinating, even the most selfishly awful people are worth the time to get to know. At least they can always become the wonderfully realistic villains my novels contain. 

My novels are about finding hope in desperately hopeless situations. Humans have the ability to change everything about themselves, their environment, their relationships, their culture, and very, very quickly. All you have to do is be considerate of the other human, and you won't make wrong choices.



Saturday, May 7, 2011

Miranei birth date - corrected

Ok. This is 7, 8, 1982 correctly written in Miranei script.

I spent my whole saturday plotting out a table in what I now call Miranei Octal. 1982 ended up as 5673. Remember the numbers read reverse, so its 3765, but would be written out 5673.

Everybody thoroughly confused? Not me. whoo boy. 

But this is correct.

weary cheers,


Miranei birthdate

A friend asked me what her birth date would look like in Miranei. I could show her the day and month, but the year was difficult as I didn't have the math chops to convert such a large number into octal.

Well I found a nifty, free, decimal to octal converter:  Click here for the octal converter. But as it turns out, it's completely useless. See note below*.

Her birth date is July 8, 1982. In America, we always put the month first, so the seven was easy. 

Remember, in octal, there is no number 8. So her day of birth became 10, but in Miranei it's 00. * again, see note below. 

And lastly, with the help of the nifty converter, 1982 became 3676, but in Miranei looks like 6763. 

The numbers always stream from right to left, like the letters and words. So if you look at the date and read it left to right like English, it reads: 6763, 00, 7. But to an elf of the Fifth Age, she would read and translate it as: 7, 8, 1982.



* in Miranei 0 is used in the anteceding subsets. For example, 10, 11, 12, 13, these are groups of ten, right? But in Miranei 0 is used as a subset. so we have 01, 02, 03, 04, and so on. But reading from right to left, they look like: 10, 20, 30, 40 and so on.

So... follow me now... the numbers count as follows: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 01, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 02, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 03, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 04, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 74, 05, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 06, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 07, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77, 000, 100 (our 74), 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 010, 110, 210, 310, 410, 510, 610, 710, 020, 120, 220, 320, 420, 520, 620, 720, 030, 130, 230, 330(our 100), 430, 530, 630, 730, 040, 140, 240, 340, 440, 540, 640, 740, 050, 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 650, 750, 060, 160, 260, 360, 460, 560, 660, 760, 070, 170, 270, 370, 470, 570, 670, 770, 001, 101(our 138), and so...

so, the 1982 converted to 3676 is probably wrong in the Miranei script above, because it's converted in octal without using zero as a subset. And this is only because the numbers stream from left to right in the converter, and all the rest of the normal, human world. And in Miranei the numbers stream from right to left.

Ok, nobody count above seven in Miranei from now on...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Miranei script - The 8 paths

0 - tjejath - persistence - that which we do as a habit becomes easier, whether for good or ill.

1 - sjogee'ath - compassion - until you can see the world through another's eyes, you are truly blind.

2 - míranath - honesty - we are only happy with the truth, specifically when told to ourselves.

3 - kapérath - courage - when we find the strength to do that which we fear, we find strength in all things.

4 - slaetath - forgiveness - the person who benefits the greatest from forgiveness is the forgiver.

5 - maefn - love - to receive love, love all things.

6 - akran - joy - life is joy.

7 - loskath - goodness - evil only exists in the absence of goodness.

Had some friends over for diner last night, and at their prompting, wrote out the Eight Paths of Wisdom in Miranei script. 

As always it reads from right to left. The paths are accompanied with their numbers.

I'm no calligrapher, but I make an effort. Some day, somebody who can really wield a pen will make this look beautiful.

