Wednesday, September 21, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 7

Tonight we have one of the most used consonant sounds in Miranei...

it's the 'r' sounds.


Although the 's' sound has many combinations, and a symbol for each variant, it's the 'r' sound that is the most prevalent in the elvish language of the Fifth Age.

rald (n.) valley    is a good word to look at and see the difference between the 'd' and 'r' symbols.

That last word:

sjogee (n.) ally / friend    is an important root word in Miranei.

From that root, we get:

sjodán (n.) prince    an important title.

sjogee'ath (n.) compassion    number 1 of the Eight Paths of Wisdom

sjobré (v.) walk

sjohr (v.) step

sjogeedr (adj.) friendly

-sjogee'ahl (adv.) friendly

sjogee (intrj.) hello

sogee (intrj. var.) hello

sjogee'anon (Trad intrj.) hello - formal interjection - literally: "with you as a friend"

So when you say 'hello' to an elf in Miranei, you are literally greeting that person as 'friend'.



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