There are some words related to the elvish counting system. Here are the numbers to refresh your memory:
0 - de
1- oh
2 - io
3 - ora
4 - na
5 - ku
6 - as
7 - te
There is no 8 or 9.
It's called Base 8, or Octal, and it's explained in another blog here in the archives.
Click here to go to blog entitled Miranei Numbers
Here are the words related to the number system.
deth - empty
dethsiga - sad (full of empty)
ohth - alone
ohthsiga - depressed, despondent (full of aloneness)
io - eternity
ioth - eternal
iothsiga - wise (full of eternity)
orath - balance
orathn - balanced
nath - teach
nathn - taught
nathei - teacher
nathei'au - teachers
nathsiga - educated (full of teaching)
kuth - surround
kuthn - surrounded
asth - proceed
asthn - proceeded
asthr - procession
teth - produce, beehive
tethn - produced
tethsiga - productive
now here's the interesting part: grab seven vitamins, or jelly beans, or pennies.
Lay zero down, it is empty, or deth.
de - zero
lay one penny down, it is alone, or oth.
oh - one
lay two pennies down, it's paired with another penny. This to the elves of Lanis was the essence of the eternal, two lovers going on throughout all time, ioth.
io - two, eternity
lay three pennies down, no matter how you arraign them, they form either a triangle or a line. This is balance, or orath.
ora - three.
lay four pennies down. They form a quadrangle. This is a little convoluted, so be forgiving. The elves had the Eight Paths of Wisdom. If you stack four on top of four, it becomes a cube, with eight corners. So, with the configuration of four, you are looking down on a cube, an analogy of teaching, or nath.
na - four.
Now lay down five pennies. It appears that four of them surround one. Simple.
kuth - surround.
ku - five.
now lay down six pennies and arraign them into two rows of three. That's a procession, right?
asth - proceed. asthr - procession.
as - six.
lay down seven pennies. You'll find six fit nicely in a circle around the seventh. What does that look like? Yes, it's a hexagon, or honeycomb. What is busier than a bee?
teth - produce, beehive (both a verb and a noun).
te - seven.
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