Saturday, September 24, 2011

learn Miranei script - practice lesson 1b

Okay, this is what you should have written.

Reading from right to left:




The last symbol was a bit tricky. I didn't plan that. I hope you didn't write out 'h' 'n'. 

Remember, if a sound is one component, it usually has its own specific symbol. In this case the sound was 'hn'. That can get tricky with compound words. But if you are up on your vocabulary, it won't trip you up.

This verse was the first line from the Elvish Nursery Rhyme that opens The Archer From Kipleth.



learn Miranei script - practice lesson 1a

Okay. This will be fun, I promise. I'm going to give you a 'romanized' line of verse in Miranei.

You try to write it our, knowing what you know now about Miranei script.

A little later today, I put up my version. And, we can compare to see how you did.


weldrau ghatr lafrnohn

The trees that once lived

good luck. see you later today.



Thursday, September 22, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 8

Here's the last of the Miranei script.

The 'z' sound is very rare in Miranei.

The first word, tjejath, is number 0, the first of the 8 Paths of Wisdom.

thrótragn (n.) thunder    is interesting. Because it's a compound word, literally thrót and ragn: night and horse. The 'tr' symbol is not used. The word is pronounced THRÓT ragn. So it's not a 'tr' sound in the middle. Night horses, yeah, thunder could sound like a herd of giant horses running through the sky.

lyl (n.) life force, one, person    is a word unique to Miranei. 
It's more sacred and respectful than, "Who is that person?" 
It's "Who is that life force?" Much more respectful.

Ok. That's it. 8 lessons. And how about that? There's that number 8 again. 

You should be able to write and read Miranei with a little practice.

I'll be publishing a free Miranei to English/ English to Miranei dictionary soon.

Oh, oh, and I'm going to start serializing Book Nine: Mars, just because science is catching up to some wacky theories I've had for years. It will look like I'm just using the latest science news, but I've had the idea that neutrinos move faster than light for at least two years when I first started writing Book Nine:Mars on a break between Book One: The Last Elf of Lanis and Book Two: The Archer From Kipleth.

Yeah, that's right, Iounelle, the last elf on planet earth lives over 164,000 years and is the star of the science fiction part of the series. Book Nine: Mars is set 300 years into our future as the red planet is being colonized by humanity. 

Although the book is based on science fiction, Iounelle continues to pursue the evil spirit Jofod Kagir and the humans it possesses.

So look for that, real soon. I may start a separate blog for Mars... or not.

Meanwhile, I'm working hard on Book Three: The Lord of Lightning. I've finished more than a quarter of the book. 

Book Four: Legends of Haergill and Conniker's Tail will be very easy to compile as it will include every short story written for the Wealdland Saga, plus two interesting and important novellas that will introduce the historical fiction part of the overall story arc, 

Mathematics and Magic 

which will be Book Five: Ancient Science; Book Six: Future Sorcery; Book Seven: Present Horizons; and Book Eight: A Cold Night in Oslo and Other Unverified Gossip (where Iounelle takes out Hitler!). 

And the last section The Planetsthe science fiction part, will be Book Nine: Mars (which is almost already completed); Book Ten: Venus; Book Eleven: Mercury; and the whole magilla concludes in Book Twelve: The Sun and All Its Glory.

And you better believe Miranei is going to show up in all twelve books.



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 7

Tonight we have one of the most used consonant sounds in Miranei...

it's the 'r' sounds.


Although the 's' sound has many combinations, and a symbol for each variant, it's the 'r' sound that is the most prevalent in the elvish language of the Fifth Age.

rald (n.) valley    is a good word to look at and see the difference between the 'd' and 'r' symbols.

That last word:

sjogee (n.) ally / friend    is an important root word in Miranei.

From that root, we get:

sjodán (n.) prince    an important title.

sjogee'ath (n.) compassion    number 1 of the Eight Paths of Wisdom

sjobré (v.) walk

sjohr (v.) step

sjogeedr (adj.) friendly

-sjogee'ahl (adv.) friendly

sjogee (intrj.) hello

sogee (intrj. var.) hello

sjogee'anon (Trad intrj.) hello - formal interjection - literally: "with you as a friend"

So when you say 'hello' to an elf in Miranei, you are literally greeting that person as 'friend'.



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 6

So we've run out of vowels, so it's all consonants from here on out. Tonight we have 'k' 'l' 'm' 'n' and 'p' with their variants.

The first word kapírei uses the 'agent form'. The vowel sound 'long i' at the end of a noun or verb turns that word into an agent noun. 

kapírath - (n.) courage
kapírei (n.) hero

The 'kk' sound is not used in English. The sound usually comes at the end of a word, and the sound is like a 'k' sound, but as if you suddenly stopped pronouncing the word, as though you were cut short, almost as if you swallowed at the end of the word.

krenn (n.) sword   This word is unusual in that it has a double 'n' sound at the end. You simply hold onto the 'n' sound for a half a beat, as though you had a Scottish accent.   :^p

moskrarót (v.prp.) rise up   This is what the elf says to the Archer at the Battle of Plymonley in Book One: The Last Elf of Lanis. In Miranei it means more than to stand up, it also means to be more than you are, rise to the occasion, strive to do more than you thought you could.  

I think the last one, a little more artfully written, would look outstanding on a tee-shirt.



Monday, September 19, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 5

Well I think I solved my calligraphy problem. The English I'll write with a square tipped pen, and the Miranei with a round tipped pen.

So here are the consonants 'h' and 'j', and the vowel 'u' sounds.

The 'j' represented here is always the soft sound used in jam, just, and Jill.

The 'question' words are interesting:

hvorl - any

hvók - who

hvekk - what

hvapak - where

hvid - when

hvus - how

hvadl - why



Thursday, September 15, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 4

So I went back to the round nibbed pen. The Miranei just looks better, although it makes my English handwriting look rather childish.

Tonight we have the 'g' consonant sound, and the 'o' vowel sounds.

This 'g' is only the hard 'g', like 'get' 'good' or 'Gary'.

glo'en is this case is the verb 'calm'.

If you want to say something emphatically, you add an extra 'a' sound. The imperative sound should be a separate sound and not added to the commanding word.

In the Archer From Kipleth Baalenruud tells Iounelle "Gloena'a!" 
literally - calm(present tense'imperative), or in our culture it's the same as  "Calm down!" 



Wednesday, September 14, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 3

Tried a new calligraphy pen tonight, lots of dark ink, but I'm not very happy with the shape of the nib. So, the search for a good calligraphy pen continues.

Today we have the consonant 'f' sound with variants, and the vowel 'i' sound with variants.

I tried to find a short 'fl' sounded word that would fit in the box, but no success. So we have two nouns and two adjectives. 

This 'back' is the noun and not the preposition, like "His back was covered with hair."



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 2

I switched calligraphy pens. The other one was running out of ink and looked awful. This pen is rounder, but I think that it looks fine.

Ok. So we have the 'd' and 'dr' consonant sounds, and the 'e' vowel sound with its variants.

The first word is savadádr, or 'do then' the root verb is 'sav' which means 'do'.
The tenses of verbs are:
'n' - past
'a' - present
'ee' - future

so sava is do(present) and 'dádr' is an adverb (which are always suffixes) meaning 'then'.

the next word is a pronoun form of 'be'. These do not have verb tense modifiers as they are already modified.

orlee - we are
orfee - we will
orleen - we were

the last word 'begie'or' means 'both', another pronoun.

Now this gives me a chance to mention a punctuation rule. Whenever a vowel sound is followed by another vowel sound, they are separated by the check-like mark. But there is no hesitation in pronunciation. so the word would sound like 'begEEor'

remember the Miranei runs right to left, opposite to english.



Monday, September 12, 2011

Learn Miranei script - lesson 1

Here's your first lesson in Miranei script! 

Miranei has three times as many symbols as Romanized script, because every symbol represents only a specific sound.

First we begin with the 'b' consonant sound, and the 'a' vowel variants.

Miranei reads the opposite of english. It reads from right to left.

I've written out the word 'bairnbrom' which means literally 'childsong', but we would use the term 'nursery rhyme'. 

