Thursday, November 1, 2012

A confession

Wow. I am really bad at this blog every day stuff. Sorry.

So, the confession? I put myself in the trilogy. I admit it. 

In The Lord of Lightning, the Archer discovers an Old Man fishing by himself on the wasted shores of Lake Ettonne. That's me. 

I'm probably younger than you pictured the Old Man. I mean, I pictured him in his late sixties. I'm in my earlier fifties, and I look nothing like the literary physical description of the Old Man.

But, that voice, those words, that's me speaking directly to you.

Every writer uses pieces of himself, and those he knows, to create characters. Plus, a writer who's been at it a while develops a 'voice'. However, that 'voice' is not always the writer's actual, unvarnished way of speaking, thoughts, idioms, or philosophy.

The Old Man is unadulterated me. That is what I had to say without the trappings and filigree of fiction. It is also the central theme of the trilogy. Read the Old Man's words again, you'll see what I mean.



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