Monday, November 29, 2010


Chapter Nine of The Archer From Kipleth is finished and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

In this chapter we visit the capital of The Green Hills of Reia, Gillalliath.

I originally called the city Gilead, because I just liked the sound of the word. I knew it was Biblical, but thought it would work. But Gilead just has too many other meanings; it's a title of a rather popular book; it's in a popular song; part of the title of a popular play; and it's the name of a new HIV anti-viral drug. All good things, but too over used for me.

So I came up with Gillalliath.

As the capital of Reia, it's an old city in a part of Wealdland which has had no molestation by the invading garonds. So, it's completely intact from hundreds of years of development. But there is a surprise in store for Halldora when she visits, and a secret lurking beneath the adjacent Lake of Hapaun. A secret which will reveal a larger and more horrific conspiracy.

I had a lot of fun dreaming up this city. It's completely visualized in my mind. And I can tell you, it's a beautiful place to visit. I hope you get to visit there soon, too.




Thursday, November 18, 2010

Some names with pronunciation key

This is a non comprehensive list of phonetic pronunciations of some of the people and places in The Last Elf of Lanis.

* Arnwylf/Arnwelf - Ahrn WILF
Haergill - HIGHER gil
Frea - FRAY uh
Haerreth - HIGHER reth
Bittel - Bit TEL
Rogar Li - RO gar  LEE
Rion Ta - REE on  TAH
Deifol Hroth - DIE full ROTH
Lanis Rhyl Landemiriam - LAN is   RILL   land uh MIR ee um
Iounelle - EYE uhn ell
Mattear Gram - MAT ee ur GRAM
Jofod Kagir - JOE fod kah GEAR
Yulenth - YOO lenth
Alrhett - ALL rett
Halldora - HALL dor uh
Kellabald - KELL uh bald
Wynnfrith - WIN frith
Alfhich - all FICH
Tyny - tin NEE
Rhyd Bwr - RED bower
Madrun - mad RUN
Plymonley - plim mon LEE
Kennethley - Ken eth LEE
Harvestley - har vest LEE
Burnie - burn NEE
Kipleth - KIP leth
Reia - RAY uh
Ethgeow - ETH gee ow
Glafemen - GLAF uh men
Solienth - SOL lee enth
Ronenth - RO nenth
Apghilis - ap GILL is
Ratskenner - RATS ken ner
Byland - BY land
Weald - WEE uhld
Gawry - GOW ree
garond - GAIR ond
Ravensdred - RAVE uns DREAD
Caerlund - KAY ur LUND
Jaefa Smiota - JI fa SMEE oh ta
Sehen - SAY hen

and a real tongue twister

Summeninquis - sum in INK kwis

* The two spellings for Arnwylf: I originally spelled his name 'Arnwylf' but then a did a deeper search and discovered the use of the 'y' made his name feminine. His name literally meant 'she-wolf of the mountain'. Well, I didn't like the spelling for the masculine which is 'wulf' Arnwulf just sounded strange to me. So in the first release of The Last Elf of Lanis, I spelled his name 'Arnwelf'. Which was okay, except that he was always 'Arnwylf' in my mind. As I began the sequel, The Archer from Kipleth, the original spelling just came back to me. It's just the way his name should be spelt.




Thursday, November 4, 2010

Deifol Hroth

I've just finished chapter 6 of The Archer From Kipleth. I'm hoping to finish the entire novel by Dec. 25th as a Christmas present for any readers.

Chapter 6 is mostly about the Dark Lord of All Evil Magic. what a title, eh?

Unlike Sauron or Valdemorte, Deifol Hroth is very active and involved with the characters in the story.

He is not content to sit in the background and move his pawns from the shadows.
In chapter 6 Lord Stavolebe, who you'll remember from the chapter Rogar Li in The Last Elf of Lanis, has come to The Lord of Lightning to report his espionage and also to learn the arcane arts. He gets a little more than he bargained for.

It was really quite fun to delve into the  psyche of evil. And not just evil for evil's sake, or evil to be a bad ass.

Deifol Hroth, although a nine hundred year old wizard, who looks like he's twenty five, is actually deeply possessed by the king of evil spirits, who the elves know as Jofod Kagir, who we essentially know in our age as Lucifer. He is a spirit from before the foundations of the Heavens. He is filled with envy and hatred for being excluded from the big moves at the start of the cosmos.

I think somebody who was consumed with something like that for as long as he has would be far, far past insane.

It was really, really fun and gratifying as a writer to try to coherently weave my way through those tangled paths. I almost came around to his way of thinking. KIDDING!

I can't wait for you to read it.


