Thursday, September 15, 2011

learn Miranei script - lesson 4

So I went back to the round nibbed pen. The Miranei just looks better, although it makes my English handwriting look rather childish.

Tonight we have the 'g' consonant sound, and the 'o' vowel sounds.

This 'g' is only the hard 'g', like 'get' 'good' or 'Gary'.

glo'en is this case is the verb 'calm'.

If you want to say something emphatically, you add an extra 'a' sound. The imperative sound should be a separate sound and not added to the commanding word.

In the Archer From Kipleth Baalenruud tells Iounelle "Gloena'a!" 
literally - calm(present tense'imperative), or in our culture it's the same as  "Calm down!" 



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