I am back from my 'brain vacation' after finishing my latest novel.
Already Annette has rolled her eyes as I giggle to myself just before bed time, as scenarios and plot points reveal themselves to me for The Lord of Lightning.
(I shouted out "Of course!" in the shower, and Annette thought I had hurt myself....)
I may start the third in the series sooner that even I had supposed.
But the first order of business is a deep and everlasting edit of The Archer From Kipleth, which I begin today.
I cannot promise a publish date, as this kind of edit takes its own sweet time.
It may be done in a week. It may be done in a year.
Seriously though, it won't be a year.
In the mean time, you will get another anthology of poetry, probably by the end of this week. If anybody out there likes my poetry (I sympathize. It IS vastly different from my prose) the best is yet to come.
The second volume of collected poems will include the books Dream Leaves (my favorite); Difficult Times; and Heavens and Deserts.
also, there is more Miranei. There will always be more Miranei.