Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Archer From Kipleth

I have finished the first draft of my second novel: The Archer From Kipleth

A day ahead of my goal I might add...

You don't know what a relief it is to have this done.

These scenarios and story lines play on an endless loop in my head until I can get them down in writing. Then, my mind lets them go. It really is kind of like an exorcism.

The novel is pretty good, even if I do say so myself. My writing has gotten better by the day.

And I'm faster, too. The Last Elf of Lanis took me about a year to complete. This took me just under six months.

Don't expect The Lord of Lightning in three months, unless somebody drives a dumptruck full of money up to my front door. Then, I might consider it.

Anyway... I am happy. You should be happy, too. You will soon get an amazing novel to read.
Let's all par-taaay this weekend!



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