Friday, January 7, 2011

Miranei word of the day 1-7-2011 - herral

Herral - destroy, eat messily (pronunciation - HAIR all)

whenever you use the 'ei' suffix (pronunciation - long i, like 'eye') it becomes an agent noun, so

Herralei - destroyer, eater (pronunciation - HAIR all eye)

fun usage:

"You herralei! You've herraln (past tense) my favorite Optimus Prime model!"

"Man, I want to herrali (future tense) a seven layer, Taco Bell burrito..."

Almost all elvish words have multiple meanings, so herrali (pronunciation HAIR all EE) means a person or thing is going to eat in a rather messy and ultimately destructive way.

And as you can see, we have verb tense for past, present and future. They are all suffixes:

past - 'n'

present - 'a' (pronunciation ah)

future - 'i'  (pronunciation ee)




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