Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Secret - The First Path of Wisdom

The First Path of the Eight Paths of Wisdom

The elves of Lanis had a philosophy that was complete enough to govern their every day lives, yet complex enough to be contemplated for the rest of their lives.

The Eight Paths of Wisdom were explained as concepts that you take into yourself and personalize. The Eight Paths begin outside of you, unformed, disorganized. As you travel the Eight Paths and master them, they converge inward until they meet in the center, like the radial lines of a Jaefa Smiota playing table, or a spider's web.

At the center, each of the Eight Paths becomes one. The teachings and precepts of one path should blend into newer, stronger, and more mysterious teachings and precepts, combining with other paths until all eight are one concept in the Master's heart and soul. Once mastered, the elves would teach in the Temple of the Lhalíi, you would be ready to become one with the Great Parent.

The First Path of Wisdom


That which we do as habit becomes easier for us and shapes our lives, whether for good, like following the Eight Paths, becoming great strength, or for evil, becoming crippling weakness.


1 comment:

K. J. Hargan said...

The philosophy is all there in the chapters. The history, although rather distractingly complete in my mind, I'm afraid would bore any reader to tears.