Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Miranei word of the day - gloen - 1-12-11

gloen (verb) - calm (pronunciation - GLO en)

as a verb, of course, the word has past, present and future tense.

gloenn - calmed (pronunciation - GLO ENn when there are two 'n's, slightly stress the second syllable and hold onto the sound a little longer)

gloena - be calm / present tense (pronunciation - GLO en ah)

gloeni - will calm / future tense (pronunciation - GLO en ee)

gloenthal - calming (pronunciation - GLO en thal)

fun usage:

"Gloena'a! Seinfeld is NOT being renewed. It was just a plot device on Curb Your Enthusiasm."
(remember 'a is the command suffix and it's just an extra 'ah' sound at the end.)

"The boy has finally gloenn down. Please, never give him an expresso again."




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